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The #1 collaborative planning platform for fast-growing SaaS companies.

All teams working together as one. 🚀

14 Days Free Trial!

Favro is the most agile tool for game studios

Trusted by the greatest Companies

WoltPrisjaktzenlyDoktor.seVolvo Car MobilityLiana technologies

collaboration with relations between cards and boards

A task, goal or user story can be shared between different teams and managers by living on several boards at the same time.

A marketing team is using Favro's layout of many boards on one screen to visualise all their workflows, automations to save time daily and tasks mirrored across several workflow boards to track different ongoing projects.

A marketing team is about to launch ads on Google and needs to collaborate with a dev team to integrate tracking in-product. This is made easy since the important card can be tracked on both teams' boards.

A company is doing a new go-to-market plan and has roadmapped out some major epics in three stages. The epics are broken down to boards, the tasks on the boards are then added to team boards to be tracked.

External writers have been hired, have been invited as external members, and are integrated into the workflow of the stakeholders in the company, collaborating in real time in one tool.

Scale without losing agility or entrepreneurial culture.

Nothing slows you down like department silos, massive management hierarchies, and bureaucracy. Favro promotes team autonomy and alignment towards company goals. With Favro evolved leaders can level up their game and keep hierarchies flat.

"If you want the 50 000 foot view, you got it, the 50 foot view, you got it,
and it’s all the same data set."