Learn from Leaders — Learn From Leaders Podcast, Episode 26

Learn from Leaders
Learn From Leaders Podcast, Episode 26

The Collaborative Team Player of Tomorrow

Martin Tilo Schmitz
Jinnapat Mind Indrapiromkul
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The Learn from Leaders podcast will go live



7:00 pm



10:00 am


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The podcast was recorded

Aug 15

7:00 pm



10:00 am




Martin Tilo Schmitz

Martin Tilo Schmitz

UI/UX Developer at Unity Technologies

Martin’s background is deeply rooted in game development and interaction design. Currently, Martin works at Unity as a UI/UX Engineer for the performance optimization tool-set. Martin is passionate about reducing friction and improving tools, processes, and workflows toward better business results and work culture. Martin has learned throughout his career that communication is key to developing the right solutions and that digging for the root need helps prevent costly mistakes.

Jinnapat Mind Indrapiromkul

Jinnapat Mind Indrapiromkul

Quantum Software Engineer at Microsoft

Since finishing her bachelor's degree in South Korea in 2018, Mind has been working as a software engineer. At RHoK, Mind worked for Station, an innovation house aiming to empower students to tackle social challenges and create impact. They created a solution that was using an open-source version of Metabase which provides a wide range of visualization and administration that suits the needs of our users perfectly.


Picture of Patric Palm

Patric Palm

Favro ceo & founder

Serial entrepreneur and angel investor. Mostly games, film, SaaS, AI, deep tech, functional foods. Favro ceo and founder. 🇸🇪 born, 🌏 minded. Passionate about hyper-performing teams and business agility.

About the episode

During this episode, Patric Palm together with Martin and Mind discuss the idea behind RHoK, a hackathon that helps non-profit organizations. Both Martin and Mind were voted as Best Collaborators, and in this podcast, they talk about what it means to be a collaborative team player and how to achieve it. There’s often a tendency to rush too quickly into the how, when there’s often more work thinking about the why. Listen to the episode and find tips on how to create a more collaborative environment within your team to achieve better results.

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